Review of International Economicsに論文が掲載されました。

論文"Innovation, Imitation, and Intellectual Property Rights with International Capital Movement"がReview of International Economics Vol.18 Issue5 pages 835-848に掲載されました。

以前共著論文"An Analysis of Income Distribution between the North and the South: the Grossman-Helpman and Lai Results Re-examined"(Takanori Shimizu, Hisayuki Okamoto氏と共著)が掲載されたことがありましたが単著では初めてです。

This paper extends the established Helpman (1993) model by introducing international capital movement, and obtains new results concerning the welfare implications of tightening intellectual property rights (IPR) in the South. First, if separated capital markets in the North and the South are integrated, enforcement of IPR would have more desirable welfare effects in both regions. Second, when international capital movement is allowed, the North always gains from the tightening of IPR if the imitation rate is sufficiently high. This implies that the North's demand on the South to tighten IPR becomes stronger as the integration of international capital markets progresses.

この論文は、多少内容が異なりますが、以前彦根論叢に掲載された論文「資本のグローバリゼーションと南北間の技術移転―南の技術進歩の加速は北に利益をもたらすか? 」を英語論文に書きなおしたものです。英語が苦手な方はこちらを読んでみてください。
